The air gun matches are weekly in the evenings during the winter. They usually start mid-January and finish mid-March. The matches are quite informal with a lot of good fellowship involved. Food is available and varies each week.
Shooting is done from the standing position at paper targets at 10 meters. We run 10 relays each night, and each lasts up to 10 minutes. There are two classes for air rifles. The A class uses the standard 10m Air rifle target. The B class uses the 75 foot small bore rifle target. The pistol class uses the 10m air pistol target. The scores from each week are recorded and the top 8 scores are combined for the overall totals.
Younger shooters are encouraged to shoot, and while we do not have a minimum age limit we do require direct adult supervision. Depending on the size and ability of the younger shooters, younger shooters may shoot off a rest.